install software

美 [ɪnˈstɔːl ˈsɔːftwer]英 [ɪnˈstɔːl ˈsɒftweə(r)]
  • 安装软件
install softwareinstall software
  1. Install software to support the hardware you add to your computer .


  2. You can install software on client computers for mobile and offline use .


  3. Install software for Plug and Play devices within range .


  4. Log on to the system with a user name that has sufficient authority to install software .


  5. First , AIX allows you to install software in one of two states : applied or committed .


  6. You have no administrator permission , so you can not install software .


  7. As always , we recommend that users download and install software from trusted sources .


  8. Install software that examines them and alerts you if they are changed .


  9. Mobile devices must contain the required features by default , removing the need for customers to install software .


  10. Install software with modified switch-off protection .


  11. Fig1 . Hello , any buddy can install software for my computer ?


  12. Reboot to install software updates ?


  13. This paper describes a remote application deployment system , which can install software or operating system on any node in a cluster via wide area network .


  14. If you purchase electronics or install software in December , things will go wrong and you will regret your actions .


  15. With viruses and trojans , surfers are suspicious of demands to install software .


  16. Many of these packages install software in specific locations so that your system 's package management software can monitor and update the software as needed .


  17. Before you install software and firmware updates on your production servers , you should deploy these updates in a test environment .


  18. According to the plan , the metro operators will install software , input program and test machines , after the ticket prices are settled .


  19. Upgradeable Solaris root devices were found , however , no suitable partitions to hold the Solaris install software were found .


  20. Although it is most often used to install software and attendant files , you can package most anything , from system scripts to source code to documentation .


  21. This is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software , add a site to your favorites or change your PC settings .


  22. With traditional approaches , you have to gather requirements for the environment , install software , configure each component , integrate multiple components , and then cross your fingers and hope everything went right .


  23. The benefit of image capture is that the customer can make changes ( like add users , set policies , install software , configure software ) to his instance and then save it as an image .


  24. Or , you can add a CD-ROM file system to the WPAR , which enables you to use a CD-ROM attached to the physical server to install software on the WPAR .


  25. This meant eliminating the need for broadband , the requirement to download and install software or to fit a microphone and headset , and even the need to sit at a computer .


  26. Stand-along booting the server allows you to install software , correct issues , run diagnostics , and configure hardware without the presence of other users and reducing the risk of locked resources .


  27. Considering the actual application requirements of this system , we use B / S structure so that the client end needs not to install software , and if it can access the network , it can access the main system and implement information sharing and fusion .


  28. Install Client Software on the Application Server ( Requirements )


  29. Install identical software on the test and production systems .


  30. Are you sure you know how to install this software program ?
